About Me
- fajrina riska
- hadeeeh saya gatau ini blog ke berapa-__- terlalu banyak blog yg saya buat dan ga keurus -_-
Ways To Get To My Heart
1. Hugs me from behind.
2. Grab my hand when you guys walk next to each other.
3. When standing, wrap your arms around me.
4. Dont force me to do ANYTHING!
5. Write little notes.
6. Compliment me.
7. When you hug me, hold me in your arms as long as possible.
8. Say I love you.....and MEAN IT!
9. Brush the hair out of my eyes
10. Comfort me when im cries.
11. Love me with all your heart
7.13am - 8.03 :D
Akhri : hahahaha
Me : ?
Akhri : aku udah selesai nih
Me : welcome back
Akhri : haha ,kamu sarapan gih
Me : hari ini aku puasa haha, kamu aja yg sarapan :)
Akhri : laah puasa ,bayar utang ?
Me : engga kok ahaha aku disuruh mama puasanya mama bilang drpd aku jarang makan mending puasa sekalian
Akhri : is masihsuka telat makan ajah -_-
Me : males makan tau ahahaha lagian seminggu ga makan juga masih idup haha
Akhri : ngeeeeeeeek -_- jangan gitu ah
Me : iyaiya itukan penyakit dari lahir haha
Akhri : telat makan ,suka bangun tengah malem-_-
Me : apal bat sih ahahaha
Akhri : hahahah iya lah
Me : jadi terharu ahaha lebe bat deh ini -_-
Akhri : hahahah
Me : kamu makan gih bukannya kamu abis menguras tenaga
Akhri : nanti ajah ,lagi dibeliin nasi uduk :p
Me hoooooooo, lagi apadeh?
Akhri : lagi maenin futera ,sama lagi buka parkour indonesia haha ,kamu ?
Me : lagi dengerin kkeb sama tweeting. eheh abis ngobrol sama kamu tadi aku jadi banyak inspirasi buat ngetweet haha tp malah kyk gombalan gajelas -__-
Akhri : hahah liat ah~
Me : jan diliat
Akhri : eheh lucuuu <3 haha
Me : apanya yg lucu?
Akhri : hahahaha ngeliat nya hahaha
Me : jan dibaca dund aku kan malu -__-
Akhri :printscreen yak ? akwkawk
Me : terserah dah ahaha
Akhri : hahaha
Me : -_-
Akhri : eh aku mau pengakuan aib nih
Me : apa?
Akhri : aku ga ngerti retweet itu cara nya gmna awkakwk mau jadi sukarela buat ajarin aku ?
Me : hooooo kamu mau ReTweet yg begimana? soalnya di twitter.com RT nya gaseru -_- http://itweet.net/web/ mending online disitu deh gampangan soalnya
Akhri : ke tkp gaaaan :ngacir:
Me : udah?
Akhri : belom gagal terus
Me : -__- http://www.twitscoop.com/
Akhri : bentar bentar ,kayak nya bisa
Me : sip
Akhri : brb pipis :D
Akhri : okeeeeeeee bisa thankyouuuuuuuu cintaaaaaaaah :)
Me : ywc ahaha btw bisanya dimana? di twtscp apa itweet ?
Akhri tweetscoop itweet ga bisa kebuka
Me : hooo
Akhri : error mulu
Me : di twitscoop kan ada retweet di bawah tweets? aku ga error lho
Akhri : iya itu dia yang bikin gampang (Y)
Me : ahaha sipdah
How to kno im upset!
1.You ask me if i am okay and i say sure!
2.You ask me whats wrong and i say nothing!
3.I take longer to respond!
4.I don't write long answers!
Falling in love is very simple. But falling out from love is very hard to do
i can't erase the thoughts of you
i cant seem to erase all the memories of you no matter how hard i try its something i cant do
1jam 12menit
omigoos satu jam duabelsa menit itu kerasa kek 5 menit haaaa gue masih kangen sama lo -_- thanks for a beautiful time. i love you baby-boo
wanna tell you something
I wanted to tell you something, I wanted to let you know. The secret that I hold deep inside, I now must let go. I know God took you to his beautiful place, and that your robe and wings are made of pretty white lace. So I wanted to tell you something, I wanted to let this secret go... I love you more, than you could ever know...
4:42am - 5:54am
Akhri : ris ?
Me : iya?
Akhri : gmna sama dhamar dhamar itu ?
Me : udah saya banned ck. sekarang dia lagi deket sama kak putri :) kenapa?
Akhri : hahaha, gapapa sih ,trus kamu lagi deket sama siapa sekarang ?
Me : ga ada hahaha lagian deket sama cowok laen pikirinannya tetep nyasar -_-
Akhri : nyasar kemana ? haha
Me : kerumah tentangga HA HA HA
Akhri : hahaha serius ini
Me : nyasar ke kamu.. oops frontal :3
Akhri : astaga ,sampe sekarang masih ? aku kira udah udah engga
Me : -_- masih kok ahahaha mau move on susah bat demi deh
Akhri : hahaha sampe sekarang masih ada perasaan sama aku ?
Me : masih
Akhri : :) hebat kamu ya, aku mau nanya dong apa sih yang bikin kamu ga bisa move on sampe sekarang ?
Me : aku juga gatau, emang perlu ada alasannya ya?
Akhri: idk haha perasaan apa emang nya ? cuma suka apa sayang apa yang lain ?
Me : sayang ke kamu lah, jujur aku gapernah ngerasain ini sebelumnya hahaha
Akhri : hahaha berarti aku beruntung dong ? hahaha
Me : beruntung apanya?
Akhri : gatau ahahah emang pengen gitu kita ada hubungan lebih ?
Me : hmmm when i say "i love you" is not because i want you or becuase i can't have you. i love what you are, what you do and what you try
Akhri : masig belom ngerti hehe
Me : haaaaa bingung ngejelasinnya
Akhri : haha
Me : pokoknya aku sayang sama kamu itu tulus aku ga pamrih
Akhri : hahahaha kalo misal nya aku ngerasain hal yang sama ke kamu ?
Me : ya itu hak kamu. terserah kamu juga mau lanjut kyk gimana hahaha
Akhri : lah kok terserah aku lanjut nya gimana ? hahaha
Me : emang maunya begimana?
Akhri : hahahaha gatau juga haha kita ga perlu pacaran kok ,kalo pacaran ada putus nya kan ? hahaha aku bisa jadi pacar kamu kapan pun kamu minta :) udah pernah aku bilang kan ?
Me : ahaha iya, aku juga masih inget banget kalimat itu hahahahaha kemaren aku mau nagih omongan kamu yg itu ahaha tp gatau mau bilang ke kamu lewat apa -____-
Akhri : lah kenapa ga sms ajah ?
Me : hpku rusak -_-
Akhri : jaaaaah hahaha trus ga bisa dipae nih ? aduh hahaha kirim surat pake merpati :|]
Me : gabisa dipake apanya? nyeeeh kemaren udah nemuin burung hantu buat kirimin suratnya (harry potter kali) tapi burungnya nyasar -_-
Akhri : emang nya ada apaan ?
Akhri : brb bentar ya mandi hehe
Me : take your time
Akhri : udah selesai nih haha. eheh emang nya ada apan butuh aku waktu itu ? mau curhat ? apa ?
Me : im miss you like hell, i wanna be with you :3
Akhri : haha ,trus ? ngajak ketemuan maksud nya ? tapi udah engga kan sekarang ?
Me : ngobrol sama kamu juga udah sedikit mengobati kerinduan itu ahahaha iya sekrang udah gabegitu haha
Akhri : hahahaha bagus deh kalo mau nagih lagi sms pake hape adek kamu ajah tau kan nomor aku ?
Me : haha iy iya tau kok :)
Akhri : oke ,aku off dulu ya .mau latian parkour nih tapi sendirian hehe byeeeeeee riska jenong :)
Me : ahaha byeeee ckck jadi kangen dipanggil jenong
my tears
I feel like crying.. but i just know your not worth my tears[':
i love you dude
when i say "i love you" is not because i want you or becuase i can't have you. i love what you are, what you do and what you try
One moment your gone
The next you are here
Like smoke in my arm
You just disappear
One moment your here
...Then you flash away
Let's just start again
I I want you to stay ♥
I tried
I really did
But you left me behind
Told me that you loved me
Then told me you hated me
...I thought I could move on
I guess I thought wrong
I'm too young
To have cried so many tears
Yet you forced them out of me
You tore my soul away
And fled to your safe haven
Leaving me alone here
Through all this I realized
What you took had never been mine
That I didn't need your false love
I needed the truth
And finally I found it
I smiled and decided to go on
To leave you in an ancient memory
So I left you behind
I really did
I didn't even have to try..
I really did
But you left me behind
Told me that you loved me
Then told me you hated me
...I thought I could move on
I guess I thought wrong
I'm too young
To have cried so many tears
Yet you forced them out of me
You tore my soul away
And fled to your safe haven
Leaving me alone here
Through all this I realized
What you took had never been mine
That I didn't need your false love
I needed the truth
And finally I found it
I smiled and decided to go on
To leave you in an ancient memory
So I left you behind
I really did
I didn't even have to try..
22 mei 2010
You were a special part of my life that I will never forget, A part of my life that broke my heart, but that I don't regret, You gave me some happy memories that I'll keep in my heart, Although sometimes I wish that you and I didn't have to part
I tried not to let you see,
Just how much you meant to me.
I tried not to let you in,
But somehow you always win.
Now I'm trying not to fall apart,
...Not so easy to do on a broken heart.
I tried not to care,
But that was impossbile with you always there
I tried not to fall in love with you,
But how, I had No clue.
Now I'm trying not to fall apart,
But you've stolen every splintered piece of my heart.
I wasn't ready to say goodbye,
Why did you believe in all the lies?
Now she's the one you adore,
Leaving me crushed to the core.
And I'm trying not to fall apart,
Not so easy to do on a broken heart.
little liar
I can see it in your eyes.. You feel the same way about You and I... You were movin on with somenoe else... You're still in love with me.. You were never really out of love with me... Your eyes dont lie.. ♥
little liar
I can see it in your eyes.. You feel the same way about You and I... You were movin on with somenoe else... You're still in love with me.. You were never really out of love with me... Your eyes dont lie.. ♥
masihkau ingat 22 mei 2010 15.10 disaat hujan -___- aku kangen masa masa itu, bisakah kita kembali kemasa itu?
last msg from him :'(
kamu akan slalu dihati aku. dan aku gaperlu jadi pacar kamu karna ituakan buat kamu sakit hati nantinya. aku gamau kamu sakit hati . aku bisa jadi pacar kamu kapanpun kamu butuh aku
last june wish
bisa move on dari lo!! itu tekad gue sekarang. dulu gue bisa semudahnya sayang sama lo kenapa gue ga bisa lupa sama lo dengan mudahnya.gue gapernah nyesel udah pernah sayang sama lo!! wish me luck (y)
money cant find me
money cant find me somebody to love. yeaaah satu kalimat yg gue copy paste dari lagu justin bieber - somebody to love. gue itu tipikal cewek yg ga mandang harta tahta dan martabat ahahahaha
Cant Believe
I cant believe you would do this, After you told me you loved me, And I thought it was true, But I guess you lied. Now I'm here alone, without you by my side, No one for me to talk to about what I'm going through
Statement of LOVE : the KISS -_-
1. Kiss on the hand.... I adore you
2. Kiss on the cheek... I just want to be friends
3. Kiss on the neck... I want you
4. Kiss on the lips... I love you
5. Kiss on the ears... I am just playing
6. Kiss anywhere else ... lets not get carried
7. Look in your eyes ... kiss me
8. Playing with your hair... I can't live without
9. Hand on your waist... I love you to much to let
you GO
good banget
time will make you forget me but time will make me love you more than before.
If I never met you
If I never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you I wouldn't love you.... If I didn't love you I wouldn't miss you, but I did, I do and I will.
tanya kenapa
Why is it easy to fall in love and yet so hard to be loved back? why should I feel such if destiny... permits me not? ... why do I have to fall if it's you I cant have? why is there a "you" in "me" but never a "me" in "you"?
Everytime I say I love you...
I'm really trying to say so much, more than those three little words.
... I'm trying to say you mean more to me than anyone else in the world. I'm trying to let you know that I adore you and that I cherish the time we spend together. I'm trying to explain that I want you and that I need you and that I get lost in wonderful thoughts every time I think about you. And each time I whisper "I love you", I'm trying to remind you that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me.
What you do to me?
you melt my heart with your eyes,
you warm my soul with your voice,
you break my insecurities with your touch.
i miss about ACHR
ya know what i miss the most about him?...
the smell of his cologne.
the way he looked into my eyes.
his sweet voice.
when he would hold me.
when he would call me just to talk.
the way he would tell me any thing.
when he said that he love me.
Hold me like i am the last person
you want in your arms.
kiss me like it is gonna be the
last kiss your ever going to taste.
Hug me Like you want me forever.
But most of all....
Love me like i am the one you always dreamed of.
you want in your arms.
kiss me like it is gonna be the
last kiss your ever going to taste.
Hug me Like you want me forever.
But most of all....
Love me like i am the one you always dreamed of.
i was born the day you kissed me. died the day you left me, but lived for the time that you loved me
who the hell
ngapain sih damar ngatur ngatur gue. who the hell are you?
♡ ♡
Falling for you was not a choice, but fate. Losing you was not my fate, but your choice.
aaarhg beneran kesel gue bisatjingnyet
aaaaaaaaaaaaargh kesel gue! baca MESSAGE nya dia. totaianjing
sekejam itu kah gue?
sekejam itu kah gue sama Damar?? ok dia gapernah sms atau otp sama gue lagi (y) tapi menurut kak tito gue ga mikirin perasaannya dia. sekarang gue bisa di bilang miss tega -_-
waktu gue bilang MAHAL KITA itu SERIUUUUS!! tapi gue ga berani bilang kl itu serius. yaaa gue tau sekarang itu semua ga ada artinya..
love ya
I love the way when you look at me, it makes me blushing and i couldn't forget it.
I know I have already been replaced
I have tried to move on wiff every guy but I'll never be able to replace you. and the sad thing is.. I know I have already been replaced
it takes a minute to have a crush on ACHR an hour to like ACHR and a day to love ACHR but it takes a lifetime to forget ACHR. good banget -____-
ive tried to forget about you but it cant happen. and ive tried going for other guys but you keeps popping in my head. i even get jealous when i hear that you could be with someone else :'(
hell ya
good banget sekarang gue gabisa move on dari ACHR hadeeeeeeeeeeh momma help me. anakmu nangis cuma grgr masalah ini -___-
hal yg paling gabisa dilupain itu 22mei2010 itu bisa dibilang hari sial juga bisa dibilang hari keberuntungan ahaha jadi waktu itu gue pulang latian vocal dari rumah ovi, waktu pulang gue dianter AKHRY gue keujanan trus neduh dijalan gitu gatau kenapa gue dari situ seneng bgt ahaha tapi waktu sampe rumah gue lgsg putus sama ALDI fyi gue putus padahal besok nya setaun gue ga ngira bakal terjadi hal kayak gitu huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa disitu mood gue campur aduk dari seneng sedih marah bt semuanya kecampur gue masih sayang sama ALDI dan sekarang gue ngecoba buka hati gue buat AKHRY
stuck on you
gue udah nyoba move on dari gue deket sama si ganteng ARSYA si manis IMAN si lucu RAKA sampe si manja DAMAR. setiap gue lagi sama mereka tetep aja ACHR yg ada dipikiran gue! gatau kenapa itu bisa terjadi. omigod apa yang harus saya lakukan?
segitu jahatnya gue?
mkaay jadi seminggu ini gue deket sama yg namanya DAMAR dan hari ini gue bilang ke dia "jujur ya aku sampe sekarang gabisa move on. mending kamu ngejauhin aku aja deh ya" gue ga mikirin perasaan dia banget ya-_- tapi gue ga bisa boong. gue takut DAMAR bakalan sakit kl hubungan ini dijalanin lebih lanjut gue gamau ngasih dia harapan kosong.
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